New Houses
WLG 04 974 9094
AKL 09 391 1324
CHCH 03 347 1624

Building a home is a significant investment for most people, so it’s important you get the right structural design that will stand up to New Zealand’s weather and seismic risks. From small house alterations, right through to multi-million dollar builds, our role is find the best solution for your needs.

Richards Consulting Engineers specialise in residential construction.  We can help you and your architect design anything from a single beam, to the entire house structure. We have designed houses throughout New Zealand, from urban sections through to exposed hill sites with a wide range of building materials.

Our aim is to find a structural solution that is both cost-effective and robust.  We recommend getting a structural engineer involved early in the design process, to ensure you don’t have to make changes later in the project, which can add cost.


Our services include:

  • Investigation of sites using site soil investigation methods (i.e. scala penetrometer, auger and test pit).
  • Design of foundations including raft, piled and slab on grade.
  • Design of houses from a range of materials, including standard timber framing, engineered timber structures, log buildings, concrete, masonry, light steel framing and mild steel.
  • Design of modular structures.
  • Site retaining walls.
  • Stormwater reticulation, treatment and discharge systems.
  • Swimming pools.

new houses